$ ivan_is

a guy from Seoul who endeavors to achieve freedom within himself. As of 2020 August, he is a junior in Yale-NUS College, a liberal arts college located in Singapore. His goal is to become a fullstack web developer who can deliver projects of professional quality. He usually plays drums, reads and writes stuff, or walks around random spots when free. Likes peaty whiskey, Japanese rock music, and fresh seafood with soju.


Korean Minjok Leadership Academy (2013-2016)
- Extracurricular in English Debate, English Newspaper, Rock Band, and Varsity Swimming Team
Yale-NUS College (2016-2022)
- Majoring in MCS (Mathematical, Computational, and Statistical Sciences) with Focus in Computer Science
- Minoring in Philosophy
- Member of YNC Literary Collective


Republic of Korea Air Force (2018-2019)
- Military Translator for English and Japanese


Ivan Kim

Born in Seoul, based in Singapore.