
Complete solutions for 2020 MIT Missing Semester course

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Exercises 9: Security and Cryptography

  1. Entropy.

    1. Suppose a password is chosen as a concatenation of five lower-case dictionary words, where each word is selected uniformly at random from a dictionary of size 100,000. An example of such a password is correcthorsebatterystaple. How many bits of entropy does this have?

      The entropy is equal to log_2(# of possibilities). The total number of possibilities would be 100,000 ** 5 (100,000 raised to the power of 5). Then the entropy equals approximately 83 bits.

    2. Consider an alternative scheme where a password is chosen as a sequence of 8 random alphanumeric characters (including both lower-case and upper-case letters). An example is rg8Ql34g. How many bits of entropy does this have?

      For an alphanumeric character, there are in total 26+26+10=62 possibilities. Since there are 8 random characters, the total number of possibilities would be 62 ** 8. Ten the entropy equals approximately 48 bits.

    3. Which is the stronger password?

      The first one is stronger since the entropy is higher.

    4. Suppose an attacker can try guessing 10,000 passwords per second. On average, how long will it take to break each of the passwords?

      In a year, the attacker can try guessing 365*24*3600*10000=315360000000 passwords. For the first password, it takes approximately (2**83)/315360000000=3*10^13 years. For the second password, it takes approximately (2**48)/315360000000=893 years.

  2. Cryptographic hash functions. Download a Debian image from a mirror (e.g. from this Argentinean mirror. Cross-check the hash (e.g. using the sha256sum command) with the hash retrieved from the official Debian site (e.g. this file hosted at, if you’ve downloaded the linked file from the Argentinean mirror).

    First download the OS appropriate netinst file from the mirror site using curl command. (Mine was macOS so downloaded the mac version.) Also download the SHA256SUMS file.

    $ curl -O -L -C -
    $ curl -O

    Then extract only the line that contains the hash of the mac version file from the SHA256SUMS file. Then use the shasum command with a --check tag. The command will search the directory and see if there is a file that matches the extracted hash list i.e hash for the mac. (Note sha256 command is not available on macOS, but can be replicated as shasum -a 256.)

    $ sed '/mac/!d' SHA256SUMS | shasum --check
    debian-mac-10.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso: OK

    The hash of the file downloaded from the mirror matches the official list of hashes, so the file should be a correct one.

  3. Symmetric cryptography. Encrypt a file with AES encryption, using OpenSSL: openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -in {input filename} -out {output filename}. Look at the contents using cat or hexdump. Decrypt it with openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in {input filename} -out {output filename} and confirm that the contents match the original using cmp.

    Create a file. Enter the message and save it by Ctrl+D.

    $ cat > secret.text
    hello secret world

    Encrypt the file in aes-256. I used password for password just for illustration purposes. Then decrypt and confirm that the contents match. The contents do match.

    $ openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -in secret.txt -out secret.enc.txt
    enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
    Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
    $ openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in secret.enc.txt -out secret.dec.txt
    enter aes-256-cbc decryption password:
    $ cmp secret.txt secret.dec.txt | echo $?
  4. Asymmetric cryptography.

    1. Set up SSH keys on a computer you have access to (not Athena, because Kerberos interacts weirdly with SSH keys). Rather than using RSA keys as in the linked tutorial, use more secure ED25519 keys. Make sure your private key is encrypted with a passphrase, so it is protected at rest.

      Ed25519 key pairs can be generated with:

      $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    2. Set up GPG

      $ brew install gpg
      $ gpg --gen-key
      $ gpg --output ~/revocation.crt --gen-revoke
      $ chmod 600 ~/revocation.crt
    3. Send Anish an encrypted email (public key).

      gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r name_of_file
     denotes the email address of the receiver. name_of_file denotes the message.

    4. Sign a Git commit with git commit -C or create a signed Git tag with git tag -s. Verify the signature on the commit with git show --show-signature or on the tag with git tag -v.

      git commit --help:

      -C <commit>, --reuse-message=<commit>
           Take an existing commit object, and reuse the log message and the authorship information (including the timestamp) when creating the commit.

      Seems git commit -S is the way to sign a Git commit. Is git commit -C a mistake? I do not know of yet.

      Edit: I rasied an issue on the official MIT Missing Sem repo and got affirmed it was a typo indeed. My issue

      How to do GPG commit signature verification. Also a link I consulted to troubleshoot error: gpg failed to sign the data. Sign a git commit and then verify the signature.

      $ git commit -S -m  "signed commit test"
      [master 1e7b6ad] signed commit test
      1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
      $ git show --show-signature
      commit 1e7b6ad5971826014e1bad3ec2c82ae282ae763f (HEAD -> master)
      gpg: Signature made Mon  1 Jun 00:10:47 2020 KST
      gpg:                using RSA key ***
      gpg: Good signature from "Woonha Kim <>" [ultimate]